\n\ncurrent projects: 19\nfunding in 2019: 18.95 m. €\npeople reached in 2019: 545,000"},{"iso":"TJ","uid":1658,"title":"Tajikistan","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/tajikistan\/","text":"Tajikistan is the poorest of the Central Asian Republics. Es sei eine „bittere Ironie“, dass einige der größten Geldgeber gleichzeitig als Kriegsparteien oder als Unterstützer an dem Konflikt beteiligt seien, sagte Jon Cunliffe von der US-Hilfsorganisation Action Against Hunger der britischen Zeitung „Guardian“.So soll das ärmste Land der arabischen Welt vor dem Zusammenbruch bewahrt werdenKämpfer in Sanaa schützen sich vor der Infektion mit dem Coronavirus. Caritas Glockenläuten gegen Hunger in ganz Österreich und Südtirol & Social Media Aktion Am 31. This year, Welt hunger hilfe is projected to spend $315.8K on IT. Learn more about Welthungerhilfe projects to fight hunger.\n\ncurrent projects: 7\nfunding in 2019: 3.29 m. €\npeople reached in 2019: 50,000"},{"iso":"SL","uid":1652,"title":"Sierra Leone","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/sierra-leone\/","text":"Since civil war is over and Ebola apparently defeated, the uptrend is noticeable. Millions of people have fled. Welt Hunger Hilfe. Reasons are political instability and war.\n\ncurrent projects: 20\nfunding in 2019: 8.02 m. €\npeople reached in 2019: 850,000"},{"iso":"KE","uid":1638,"title":"Kenya","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/kenya\/","text":"Kenya is well-known for its diverse wildlife and savanna landscapes, but people are increasingly suffer from the effects of climate change.\n\ncurrent projects: 30\nfunding in 2019: 5.39 m. €\npeople reached in 2019: 80,000"},{"iso":"LR","uid":1641,"title":"Liberia","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/liberia\/","text":"Just as the country began to recover from the effects of the civil war, the next crisis hit: the outbreak of Ebola.\n\ncurrent projects: 12\nfunding in 2019: 11.65 m. €\npeople reached in 2019: 85,000"},{"iso":"MG","uid":1642,"title":"Madagascar","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/madagascar\/","text":"More than 90% of the population currently lives beneath the national poverty line.
Il/Elle est tenue de garder la confidentialité sur les documents ou informations respectivement mis à sa disposition ou portés à son attention.Les dossiers de candidature doivent être déposés au bureau de la Welthungerhilfe à :Tél. Il/Elle peut aussi proposer des innovations dans le cadre de ses responsabilités avec l’approbation de son superviseur.Une étroite collaboration est indispensable avec tous les employés du Bureau de Sévaré ainsi qu’avec le bureau de coordination de Bamako et les partenaires. Welthungerhilfe supports the population.\n\ncurrent projects: 11\nfunding in 2019: 3.54 m. €\npeople reached in 2019: 635,000"},{"iso":"BI","uid":1631,"title":"Burundi","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/burundi\/","text":"Burundi is one of the world’s poorest countries. read more "Skill up!" Millions of people have fled. Welthungerhilfe supports the improvement of living conditions on site. How Welthungerhilfe supports the country.\n\ncurrent projects: 24\nfunding in 2019: 40.58 m. €\npeople reached in 2019: 620,000"},{"iso":"UG","uid":1660,"title":"Uganda","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/uganda\/","text":"War, extreme drought and crop failures are making the live hard in Uganda. Find out how Welthungerhilfe helps.\n\ncurrent projects: 19\nfunding in 2019: 19.94 m. €\npeople reached in 2019: 375,000"},{"iso":"SY","uid":1657,"title":"Syria \/ Turkey","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/syria-turkey\/","text":"A civil war, which has already claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. Gravierend sei China, wo etwa ein Fünftel der Weltbevölkerung lebe: „Die Veränderung der Unterernährungsschätzung für China bis ins Jahr 2000 führte zu einer deutlich geringeren Zahl von unterernährten Menschen weltweit“, heißt es im Bericht. Juli um 15 Uhr läuten 3000 Kirchenglocken, um auf den Hunger in der Welt aufmerksam zu machen. Welthungerhilfe is fighting hunger around the world and is focusing its work around the Sustainable Development Goal 2: “Zero Hunger by 2030”. But hunger is still a hunger problem in Sierra Leone.\n\ncurrent projects: 14\nfunding in 2019: 7.32 m. €\npeople reached in 2019: 570,000"},{"iso":"XS","uid":1654,"title":"Somaliland","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/somaliland\/","text":"Welthungerhilfe is helping Somaliland with food and nutrition security, which is under threat by droughts induced by climate change.\n\ncurrent projects: 11\nfunding in 2019: 3.83 m. €\npeople reached in 2019: 80,000"},{"iso":"SS","uid":1656,"title":"South Sudan","url":"\/our-work\/countries\/south-sudan\/","text":"South Sudan is one of the youngest countries in the world which is fighting against civil war. Informing humanitarians worldwide 24/7 — a service provided by UN OCHA Global Menu. Nothilfe-Koordinator der Vereinten Nationen Mark Lowcock schätzt, dass die derzeit verfügbaren Geldmittel nur noch ein paar Wochen reichen.Der Alptraum der rund 28 Millionen Einwohner Jemens dauert schon fünf Jahre. Welt hunger hilfe is ranked 435,731 among websites globally based on its 91,357 monthly web visitors.
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