Transformational leadership influence on organizational performance through organizational learning and innovation. Women doing leadership: Leadership styles and organizational culture. Board gender quotas: Exploring ethical tensions from a multi-theoretical perspective. Social implications ‐ Leader behaviour should have no gender. A world of difference: International trends in women’s economic status. Papers Sealy, R., & Vinnicombe, S. (2012). No significant differences were found between the career- and homemaking-oriented groups on Achievement and Affiliation; but, as predicted, a significant interaction occurred between the two variables. Yet, when other-ratings only are examined, women are rated as significantly more effective than men. Executive stock options, gender diversity in the top management team, and firm risk taking. Diamond, E.E. Women’s representation in science predicts national gender-science stereotypes: Evidence from 66 nations. Dezső, C.L., Ross, D.G., & Uribe, J.
Ellemers, N., Van Den Heuvel, H., De Gilder, D., Maass, A., & Bonvini, A. Findings ‐ The managerial playing field continues to be tilted in favor of men and behaviours associated with the masculine gender stereotype, a phenomenon that occurs despite what leadership theories and field evidence would suggest.
Interview evidence is presented suggesting that the primary reasons for the lack of women in leadership are not simply lack of opportunity at the apex of the corporation, but issues at mid-management level that are unlikely to be resolved by mandatory board quotas. Men’s and women’s networks: A study of interaction patterns and influence in an organization. (1986). Eurostat (2015, Dezember). This study established the relatively deflating impact of high-level female leaders, compared to high-level male leaders and the control condition, on participants' self-perceptions.
In T. Clarke & D. Branson (Eds. Women and the governance of corporate boards. Of the 22 mixed-gender groups (N = 110) that took part in our study, no woman emerged as the unanimously chosen leader, even though women were identified as leaders by transcript coders. However, voluntary targets for women’s participation on boards and in executive ranks (proposed in soft regulation such as corporate governance codes and set as part of corporate strategy) may promote more effective cultural and practical change in support of greater representation of women in leadership.This chapter addresses the need for research that builds a convincing business case for the presence and effective utilization of women corporate directors.
Kalleberg, A.L., & Leicht, K.T. Incluso, cuando la "tasa de no empleo” individual disminuye (por ejemplo, en la segunda mitad de la década de los 80 ó entre 1997 y 2001), la polarización aumenta siempre. (1994). Even nations with high overall gender equity (e.g., the Netherlands) had strong gender-science stereotypes if men dominated science fields specifically.
Eine Gegenstrategie ist das Verleugnen der eigenen Weiblichkeit und die Anpassung an die männlichen Verhaltensweisen, die noch die Führungskulturen vieler Unternehmen bestimmen. Carter, N.M., & Wagner, H.M. (2011). Lassen sich Privat- und Berufsleben zunehmend besser vereinen? Zotero Dasgupta, N. (2011).
These and similar questions are addressed in this chapter, with the intent of further spurring the growth of theory-driven empirical research on this topic.This study examines the proposition that the presence of women on a company's board of directors is positively associated with gender diversity in its top management team. Study 1 found that female leaders who experienced stereotype threat separated their feminine identities from their work-related (i.e., more masculine) identity.
Findings – Expectations for servant leader behavior were greater for the woman than man leader, and expectations for authoritarian behavior were greater for the man than woman leader.
(1995). In sum, our review seeks to synthesize existing multidisciplinary research and stimulate future enquiry on this expanding set of legislation.The glass cliff refers to the tendency for women to be more likely than men to be appointed to leadership positions that are risky and precarious. It appears that households allocate the same budget differently to goods depending on whether the woman works part time, full time or not at all.
The book shows that removing the glass ceiling can no longer be viewed solely in terms of social equity-it is now an economic imperative.This investigation identifies and analyzes the tactics and upward mobility strategies utilized by men and women who successfully advanced into senior leadership positions.
Meyerson, D.E., & Fletcher, J.K. (2000). Originality/value – This is the first empirical examination of gender bias in communal leadership through theoretical integration.The Problem Women are well prepared to assume leadership roles—They have the education and the will, yet, they do not conform to gendered organizational images of ideal workers. Diese wenigen weiblichen Führungskräfte weichen in ihrem Verhalten kaum von ihren männlichen Kollegen ab. Terjesen, S., & Sealy, R. (2016).
Cet article propose une présentation des principales théories élaborées (cycle de la fécondité, phénomène d'implosion démographique, « new home economics») afin de dégager des éléments d'interprétation de la situation démographique observée (révolution contraceptive, uniformisation du modèle familial de référence, montée du travail salarié féminin). Duguid, M. (2011). Gender-bias primes elicit queen-bee responses among senior policewomen. Levi, M., Li, K., & Zhang, F. (2014). (2014, 25. Une première explication tient à l'évolution de la composition des ménages : en un quart de siècle, la part des ménages avec une seule personne susceptible de travailler a augmenté de 13 points. Davies, P.G., Spencer, S.J., Quinn, D.M., & Gerhardstein, R. (2002). Zwischen 1975 und 2002 stieg der Anteil der 15-bis 59-jährigen erwerbstätigen Personen, die weder Studenten noch Rentner sind, um 2,4 Prozentpunkte auf 78,6%.
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