Just free XP past it. Always remember to be maneuvering in case of torps.7. It's almost useless except when nearly broadside, and isn't worth the risk.2.
You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section. to use.6. Grund dafür sind die dicken Panzerplatten der so genannten „Super Dreadnought“, die im richtigen Winkel auch Solcherart gerüstet kann sich die New York mit jedem anderen Schiff im Artillerieduell messen und als Siegerin daraus hervorgehen. Just finished a game with 3x New York between both sides.....all were in the bottom 3 scores, 2 were dead last in score. In World of Warships ist die New York nicht nur eine Stadt oder ein Bundesstaat der amerikanischen Nation, sondern auch der Name einer besonders effektiven Schlachtschiff-Klasse der US-Navy. Priority Target (or Preventative Maintenance if you feel your turrets are lost too often)2. Learning how to angle + New York Bow armor = Frustration. This thread is 3 years old, your giving bad advice to someone 3 years ago.
Will try and keep the ranges shorter. New York was also still carrying four quad 1.1" mounts; all four are missing.
Capt. Only Texas is worse, and maybe Bretagne gets close-ish.
If it has diagonal lines for when the enemy is angled, it's good to use.4. Clevere World of Warships-Taktiken, Stärken und Schwachstellen der Kreuzer, Zerstörer, Schlachtschiffe und … Denn das schwere Schlachtschiff beschleunigt sehr langsam und mit knapp 20 Knoten ist jeder Fischschwarm schneller.Doch das sehr kompakt gebaute Schiff, es ist fast um ein Drittel kurzer als ein Hilf uns, besser zu werden und teile uns bitte mit:
Get the Massachusetts … BEST US BB in the game with 11.3 km. Damit seid ihr eurem Hauptfeind, dem tödlichen japanischen Tier-V-Schlachtkreuzer Aber dafür könnt ihr den vernichtenden Beschuss des Feindes lange genug aushalten, bis ihr gemächlich in Reichweite gedampft sein. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Für Links auf dieser Seite erhält GIGA ggf. There are several good guides on the forums and on YouTube (iChase, Flamu, Notser, etc.)
New York is a frustrating ship that requires you to know exactly what you can and can't do. Expert Marksman for WD-40 on your incredibly slow turning-turrets4. If you have friends who play T5 CVs, try divisioning with them and you shouldn't see more than T6.The NY is one of the worst places on the USN BB grind, right next to the old stock Colorado (*shudder*). Always be changing course and speed.5. Just get closer to your target and your shots will land more often.1.
New York. Learning how to angle + New York Bow armor = Frustration. Not represented is New York’s 1941-1942 refits when she carried a total of eight quad 1.1" (28mm)/75 AA guns.
Learn how to aim. [WOLF3] Most importantly, the NY is T5, which means its MM is crap. Or Basic & Advanced Firing Training plus Adrenaline Rush to stand against stupidity all together.Also, get the range upgrade that opens up in the T5 slot. Build (assuming you're moving up the tree to the end):1. Diskutiere auch gerne mit uns
Permanent camouflage is actually the historical camouflage of USS Oklahoma, a Nevada-class battleship. 他画像 . Seriously next time look at the date All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to warships and aircraft are proprietary to the respective rights holders. Is the ship that bad or am I doing something wrong? The NY's dispersion isn't very good, especially when considering her arcs. World of Warships Wiki* [ ホーム | 新規 | 編集 | 添付] ? Und im Gegensatz zu leicht gepanzerten Schlachtkreuzern könnt ihr die Schäden wegstecken.Die New York gehört ins Gefecht, denn nur dort kann sie ihre kurze Reichweite und ihre schwere Panzerung optimal nutzen. Her armor is thick enough, however, that you can usually afford to get closer, where dispersion plays less of a factor. Doch bis sie mal angekommen ist, vergeht eine kleine Ewigkeit. Because of how dispersion works, your longer range will result in better dispersion at closer ranges (<14 km)Also, get the range upgrade that opens up in the T5 slot. Kongo, for instance.To pick on specifics, Kongo is a battlecruiser, New York is the real battleship. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. 21kn may be bad, but it's better than stock.3. [WOLF3] Other BBs always seem to have a tighter spread.
Always, always never stop moving and turning. z.B. Other BBs always seem to have a tighter spread. WoWS Stats & Numbers - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships. found myself chasing my tail far too often thinking I was doing something wrong when I was doing it right, it's just the ship. Also, you seem to be doing smth wrong as New York's shell dispersion is, statistically speaking, better than the Wyo's horrendous 1.5 sigma. Denn ihre fünf Doppel-Geschütztürme mit einem Kaliber von 356 mm teilen sehr gut aus und treffen besser als bei ihren Vorgängerschiffen Die geringe Reichweite von nur knapp 15 Kilometern könnt ihr mit dem passenden Upgrade immerhin auf 17 Kilometer erhöhen.
Forget about your central turret. Die New York ist ein sehr dickes, stumpiges Kriegsschiff, die sicherlich keine Geschwindigkeitsrekorde aufstellt aber dafür sehr, sehr viel aushält. But that also depends on if you want to count Kongo as a BB after upgrades.Forget your #3 turret exists. Deine Meinung ist uns wichtig. Of the 42 single 20mm Oerlikons, 34 are missing.
für mit World of Warships: Alle Infos zur Beta, Release und mehrWorld of Warships: New-York-Guide –So steuert ihr das schwere Schlachtschiff ニューヨーク級戦艦 .
eine Provision vom Händler, actually hits what you aim at a real pleasure to playForget the Brit BB's, the German BB line is good I've done it 2x for the research points. For me it was tough because when I was on the NY I was also transitioning from Cruiser only to "All of the ships". But other than the hit point pool down grade she's better than the Wyo. Thx all. Leaderboards, ships statistics and configurations, ranked and team battles and much much more Is the ship that bad or am I doing something wrong?Get closer, find a DD who can smoke you if you are in trouble. 2nds.
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WoWs New York