With BAföG, you can also work more than the 20 hours outside of school time (semester breaks, weekends, evenings). The AStA is also a member in many national institutions and organizations. We not only want to offer services, but also want to help shape the climate and conditions of the university and improve them wherever possible. Write us an e-mail or visit us during our office hours! Whatever goes on in the AStA: you hear it from us – whether it be an important AStA date, event, or a press release about important issues within university politics. Apllication is only possible via There are also some residences that are offered privately or by the churches. Our brochure “Der Verbindung Untertan - Zur Kritik der studentischen Korporationen” (The fraternity subservient – critiques of student corporations) introduces ideological commonalities (Types of male bonding, life-long bonds, ritual fraternities) of the pluralistic fraternity character, and therefore it is gone quickly, not only taken by critics of the corporations. Besides coordination, we also see to administrative tasks such as the allocation of student funds, the changing of regulations, etc. Before, you could only earn up to a maximum of 8004€ for your parents to still receive a child allowance for you. We also publish free readers to broaden civic education. Standorte der Urnen und Öffnungszeiten. Bekanntgabe des Ergebnisses FSV-Wahlen 2019 Geographie. Last of all, credits earned abroad or at another German university must be recognized. Wahlberechtigt sind alle eingeschriebenen Pharmazie-Studierenden in Bonn. 197 likes.
A part of this money goes to the control and administration of the student government and the AStA: Our staff speak German, English, Spanish, Persian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, French, Singhalese, Hindi and Bengali. 1/2020) Tagesordnung der Sitzung vom 16. So we ask you to inform yourselves so that this doesn’t happen to you! If you have already completed a vocational qualification (teaching qualification, bachelor, etc.
Besides proper political education, we continuously deal with the critiques of political economy in daily seminars, which aim not only to grasp, but also to get rid of the irrationality of the global economic framework. Furthermore, we do everything we can to improve connecting the cultural groups and student initiatives to the university, the students and to each other. (maximum 10 per person per day) We want a diverse university, where even small programs of study have a home. Normalerweise werden allerdings die von den Studierenden gewählten Vertreter („Fachschaftsvertretung“) eines Studienganges so genannt. The approval can take up to several weeks. In the faculties that are smaller than 500 students, the Fachschaftsrat takes over the tasks of the Fachschaftsvertretung. Moreover, in the summer semester our reader on criticisms of radical Islam is published, which gained supporters in the last few years, not least in Bonn. Infos aus der Fachschaft, über Aushänge und Veranstaltungen am GIUBInfos zu Praktika, SHK- und sonstigen StellenangebotenInfos zu Aktionen und Initiativen (Demos, Studenteninitiativen wie Fairtrade-Uni oder Weitblick, Bildungsstreik etc. We are in cooperation with the ‘Forum for Women and Gender Research of the University of Bonn’ and the ‘Women’s History Consortium’ – respectively the Bonn Women’s Museum, the Rosa-Luxemburg Foundation NRW, the queer-feminist group ‘riot skirts’ from Bonn, and many other groups who are involved in this field.
Students can participate in most team sports such as beach volleyball, soccer or basketball as a hobby in an enjoyable environment or they can take part in our surf and catamaran camp at the IJsselmeer in the summer semester.
You can find more information as well as all of the published editions on the Friedrichs Wilhelm’s webpage. Dates, event updates and office hours can always be found on this page.
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