Had the USSR built any of these projects, it would probably have left port and promptly sunk under its own imbalanced weight. The USSR Navy at the direction of Admiral Nikolai Kuznetsov ordered the GRAF ZEPPELIN raised and rudimentary repaired so she could be towed to Leningrad where she was to be fully repaired and completed so she could be commissioned and become the first Aircraft Carrier in the service of the USSR. When USSR engineers had finally patched up and repainted the scuttled GRAF ZEPPELIN to the point that she could finally be towed to the USSR it was not to be because on Stalin's direct orders Admiral Kuznetsov was ignominiously removed from his post and in 1948 he, as well as several other USSR admirals were put on show trials by the USSR Naval Tribunal and all found "guilty". Displacement is a lot. If only to see the epic sh*tstorm among the HURR DURR RUSSIAN BIAS!!??
I had no idea the Soviets had this many design studies. 2. What is your source? Ladies and Gentlemen, almost 1 year and 5 months ago, Wargaming revealed to us the Slava, initially named Pobeda. Naval versions of the IL-2 Sturmovik would be tough cookies... Armour is a lot. As a result the USSR would have to wait until 1967 before she could commission her first Aircraft Carrier. Hence, you know WG will, therefore, have a Ru CV line eventually. All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to warships and aircraft are proprietary to the respective rights holders. (seriously though, nice detail that must have taken some digging to find) Reliable data on the USSR Aircraft Carriers is hard to come by and reliable plans are even more rare still. Stalingrad — Soviet promo premium Tier X cruiser.. One of the few heavy artillery ships developed after the end of World War II. In 1967 the USSR Helicopter Carrier MOSKWA was commissioned, becoming the first Carrier of the USSR. Her torpedoes have extremel… The peculiarities of this branch emphasize their inclination to get up close and aggressively personal to their adversaries. Great job on this post. The Navy did not approve of these changes — as they saw this as a compromise of the ship’s ability to engage heavy cruisers — but Stalin’s reasoning was as such: he envisioned the purpose of the The final technical design was completed and approved by 1950. Mogami-class would draw from many lessons learned from previous cruisers, use propulsion arrangements and armaments layouts that were mostly already settled on (5x2 203 mm option meant 5x turret layout was kind of the minimum they'd settle for to retain their qualitative edge) and the tonnage limit they wouldn't keep, but still had to observe on paper, so radical experimenting with stuff that would add weight was out of question. Izyaslav — Soviet Tier IV destroyer..
The specs were given to design bureau TsKB-17, who created 4 sketches; mostly differing in the secondary battery and machinery layout. So, sure, there's probably enough paper designs to make up a passable Ru CV line, however fanciful it may be. You want the enemy to not pay too much attention to you while still being close enough to have an impact and, if needed, tank some shots.While Slava has the somewhat improved dispersion of the Soviet 130mm secondaries, don’t expect them to be really useful except for the anti-air.Overall, the Slava has a fairly strong anti-air with high DPS on the long and mid-range as well as strong flaks that will help to deal with bad/average CV players.She also has the advantage of not having the nerfed AA survivability of Kremlin which loses her AA mounts when a fly lands on them.Unlike Kremlin, Slava has fairly weak armor protection for a tier X battleship. During the time frame of WOWS, roughly from 1900 till 1953, there were various Russian and USSR Aircraft Carrier design studies, this topic will list those that have more or less reliably been identified. The exceptions are the barbettes of her secondaries that are 50 mm thick and the conning towers with the front one having 500 mm of armor and the other 200 mm.Compared to the rest of the ship, the turrets on Slava have a hefty armor protection, at least at the front. [NECRO] 3) Project 71 - a plan for two 13,000 ton Chapayev type CVs w 45 plane complement (15 F/30 TBs). I am aware that the USSR had a few CV plans - check out the publication 'Stalin's Carrier Plans'
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