But if the goods mentioned do (not) come then, I shall certainly be driven to great extremity and afterwards it will be too late to remedy it. and his brother was fifty-six pounds which makes 668 pounds, the bills being pro(tested) the change and re-exchange at 15 per cent is 91 pounds 4 sh (illings) makes with the charge in England for the protest near 770 pounds. Misfortune, however, would have it that the above mentioned governor of South Carolina, Colonel Tynte, died at this time. Ob die so aus den Deponien vertriebenen Vögel sich nun auf ein Leben auf dem Land besinnen oder erst recht in den Innenstädten den Menschen die Bratwurst aus der Hand schnappen, bleibt abzuwarten. The city is remarkable for the coal which is found there. But while the Indians beyond the Great Lakes and in the Mississippi favored the French, the Iroquois of the New York colony, an important exception in this, were friendly with the English. Schritt von dem Platz wo ich gebunden wahre, brachte But immediately the king with some Indians gave the halloo and I admire the patience and discretion of these savages, in not having beaten the barbarous Christian in their turn. Compelled to work under task masters, who themselves knew nothing of the business, defrauded of their provisions by the contractors, when petition and resistance failed, like the brick makers of Egypt, some of them remembered a promised land, and in the depth of winter (1711-12) It will, therefore, be well to send a good surgeon. Now when they hear the horn blow they run straight for home. Jahren noch g'lebt, ihr Vater hat Peter Christeler geheissen, so hat ihr Christen Walcker, welcher sambt dem Weib hier am Land gstorben und hat 8 Kind hinderlassen ihr gesagt, sie habe ein ziemlich gross Erb, von Ihres Vatters Seel. The kinglet dressed himself in his best, but in such a grotesque fashion that he seemed more like an ape than a man. I told him that none of my people who survived would come back with him, because they were so frightened at the robberies and murders, and my negro could not come alone against the current with a loaded boat. The phenomenal success of this scheme proved to be its undoing, for so many Germans took advantage of the opportunity that London was embarrassed with the expense and labor of supporting them. The Reverend Mr. Kocherthal, just mentioned, had not been to America at the time he published his book, but had been in England to make inquiries about the colonies. Pendant que de mon Coté ie fis touts mes efforts pour etablir ma Colonie, come ie vien de dire, d'autre Coté on ecrivit a Monsieur Hyde en Virginie ou il avoit fait quelque sejours en attendent une meilleurs issue de Sa pretention, qui ne manqua pas de se rendre avec Sa Famille au plutost en Caroline Sur la Riviere de Chouan pres du Colonel Pollock, _ _ _ 18. apres le repas aupres d'une bouteille de Vin de Madere nous vinmes a des discours bien Serieux, et come c'estoit luy qui (en vertu de mes Patentes et ordres des Lords Prop: me devoit pourvoir de touts les necessaires des revenus de la Province) me refusa tout, j'estois bien aise de luy en faire des reproches et luy repsenter aussi l'enormite de son procede Criminel, ce voyant convaincu, par tant de bones raisons, d'autre coté pour m'endormir affin que ie ne travaille pas trop contre luy il me promit, etc.
What happened to me after my arrival among the Christians was almost more dangerous and vexatious than when I was among the heathens. But finally he begged for only one. By use of the compass we made a map, and observed particularly the mountain Senantona where our mines were said to be. We took with us Martin Chartier, a surveyor we also had with us, and there came with us several Indians. The city council in Rotterdam gave us 25 florins and had us brought to Hellevotschluiss at their own cost in a ship belonging to the city. Since they were likewise servants of the Queen, were in their red uniforms, and moreover, were good soldiers, they would accomplish much. He was the master of it, a citizen of Boston, the capital of New England. . This little man gave me in addition, this report that one of those who was with him, one named Clark, a sort of goldsmith, a godless man who had robbed another man of his wife and had gone up into the mountains with her, had found gold in this place, had coined pieces of money out of it. In this interregnum I was not assisted, and because of the rebellion arising at this time, I was in great and pressing distress, since every one looked out for himself and kept what he had. captain. He was well on the whole journey. And now we are, the Lord be praised, all as well as we have never been before. La premiere fois nous crumes de voir de loin un voile, ce qui nous obliga d'ordoner au petit garcon de monter au haut du Mas, la il apperceut que ce qui paroissoit blanc estoit trop gros pour des voiles, a la fin il cria que c'estoit Sans doute du terrein et nous bien en peine nous croyons au millieu de L'ocean, nous examinames dabord la Carte ou mappe geographique, fimes le conte des heures ou miles qu'avions fait, et trouvames qu'en cette latitude il n'y avoit point d'Isles; affin que nous ne hurtions a cett endroit inconnu, nous trouvames a la droite, a la fin nous decouvrimes que cestoit un monceau de glace qui Sans doute par un vent chaud s'estoit defait de ces glaciers du Nord, nous en aprochames de bien pres et nous fumes surpris de voir une petite montagne de glace flottant au millieu de L'ocean. Their barbarous pride swelled them up so that we were compelled to run with them the whole night, through forests, bushes, and swamps, until the next morning about three o'clock when we came to Catechna where the king, Hancock by name, was sitting in all his glory upon a raised platform; although the Indians are accustomed at other times to sit upon the ground. Puis que je Suis en mattiere de ces Sauvages avant que parler du plan et fondation de la Villette de Neuberne Je continue ou j'en Suis resté avec les Indiens et diray aussi quelque chose de leur Culte et de ce qui s'est passé. C'est pourquoy nous primes la resolution d'aller nous memes visiter l'endroit des mines, dont il nous avoit doné un plan: Nous preparames dont en meilleure forme pour ce Voyage quoy que bien dangereux; Et come j'avois formé ce dessein desia avant que j'eusse eté advertis de ce rendevous, ie pris mes precautions, communiquant mon dessein a Mons: le Gouver. A report of the various attempted settlements follows, and then is given the results of an investigation into the expenses incurred. .
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