Hello. There are two other Imaskari devices of the same nature in the area, with one of them already containing a lever in its control device. Obviously someone wanted to free it. Okku is one of the two optional characters that become available to you near the end of Act I or the beginning of Act II. Doing so will net you Myrkuls Essence, which will presumably be used in crafting a powerful weapon, although we confess we never found the tainted weapon that the essence refers to. Am quite happy to build power-gamed, micro-managed, rule-bendingly powerful character. Another interesting aspect of One of Many is that his form will change based on which personality within him is dominant. Soresko is much less credulous than Odesya, but can still be threatened or wooed to your side with a good conversation skill. Using it raises your craving, but allows you to attack with a pair of claws that have a chance to steal spirit energy from spirits and creatures with souls. You can complete Heilari's ritual to create a lich, then quickly destroy him, if you wish. Youll need to bring them some fresh humans for them to eat. When they're all activated, they'll open up a load of loot for you. Before starting the fights, be sure to try and talk to the golem. These undead are not in the mood for chitchat. Both of these latter locations will give you quests. When youve killed enough of the spirits, youll be able to defeat Okku himself. The Ice Lodge is where the berserkers of the town congregate. In addition to crafting, Safiyas familiar Kaji will perform most of your lockpicking and trap disarming throughout the game, unless your main character is capable of doing so. Speaking of the Wells of Lurue, theres one last task for you to complete before you head into the Death Gods Vault. You can also buy various magical items from her, including Chimes of Opening, which may come in handy for doors and chests that Kaji cant open. Were only going to list the spells needed for crafting arms and armor; we never bothered much with wondrous items, although in retrospect it probably wouldve been handy. Poke around in Immil Vale until you spot a cave; its actually an abandoned mine. Before you do so, though, head to the Prison to find another character that will join you on your quest. Safiya is one of the best utility characters in the game, as she can buff every party member quite thoroughly, create magical arms and armor, create wondrous items, and use her familiar to pick locks and detect traps. In the immediate sense, siding with Zoab will make you fight against the defenders of the gate (assuming you cant speechcraft them away). With that done, return to the Imaskari device and pop the globe back in. Its cool! Youll know youve shut down a loci when it explodes into a circle of white light. Presumably finding one tome but not the other has a somewhat intermediate reward. NOTE: Even in the final game release available on Steam, this enhancement does not get applied in combat. (We tried to enchant it with the Large Charred Branch that was found in the Burning Grove, but nothing happened.) Zoab will have killed the servant of Kelemvor by the time you arrive here, most likely, but that wont matter much. Accept their quest, if only for the experience. Master Inarus, on the eastern side of the classroom floor, asks you to devour a soul or a spirit in front of his class. Dont insult her initially and shell warm to you eventually. Also take this time to adjust her AI settings; you may not want her casting on her own. The essence will allow you to enchant a belt with +10 strength (once you've gained the Mold Spirit feat), and the husk will allow you to recruit a different companion in Okku's place. In no particular order: First Door: Youll encounter three gargoylish creatures behind this door, couriers that were apparently coming to see Lienna. His abilities are fairly redundant with Safiyas, but hell still be a pretty handy addition to the party if you choose this path. Valeria adds epic-level enchantments to weapons for both herself and her party members.For my guide on playing NWN2 MotB, at Sorcerer's Place, see:http://www. If Okku is in your party, hell lend you his boat for free; otherwise hell charge you 10,000 gold for the priveledge. The new MotB essences are dropped by monsters. You can loot all of the bodies here if you like. This isnt a quest, but if you speak to the Shou family outside of Mulsantir, theyll explain that Okku and his army crushed their cart while they were passing into town. Before you have a chance to adjust here, youll be thrown on stage at the Veil theater, being forced to take part in a play where you have a role as the Betrayer. This isnt an easy fight, but with a little luck and preparation, youll defeat your foes. To open up the enchanting UI, you need to use the Enchantment Focus near an enchanting bench. Thatll make it deal an extra 1d6 ice damage per hit. Head out into the woods and fight your way to the large tree in the middle of the forest. For whatever reason, his plan didnt work, and he passed away before completing his necromantic rites. Assuming your Grandma worked at Black Isle, obviously. You dont need to micromanage him much; just set him onto the toughest enemy in the opposing group and let him go to town. At this point, you should have a few quests in your journal, and can begin to start examining them as you like. They should be held to account for what theyve done."). These bears guard the Wells of Lurue. Sucking down the Wood Man's essence will cause Okku to turn on you, so dismiss him before the fight if necessary. After she died, Gulkaush reappeared at full health, but it was a simple matter to bring her back down to zero. If you ask her where her tribe is located, she can point the location out to you on your map. Safiya is the first follower you get, as shes with you from the beginning of the game. We managed to do this by simply heading directly to the west from the start, and then head directly to the north, but we may have just gotten lucky. Unfortunately, after you eliminate Dalenka, Nadaj will return and set the remaining berserkers onto you. With the note that he gives you, head to the Repository caretaker, then nab souls 127 and 91 from the stacks and bring them back to Poruset. Theyll use powerful magics, including Meteor Swarm and Summon Creature IX, on you, so be prepared for anything. Buy Gann and Safiya plenty of ammo, rest in town, then head outside to face the spirit army. Ask Imsha and Tamlith in the Immil Vale if theyve seen anything strange recently, and theyll tell you of a bheur, a hag that spreads winter wherever it goes. At its highest level of enchantment, the player could even have a 50% health regeneration boost added to one of their armor pieces, which is absolutely insane. If you cant manage that, then you can attempt to influence him with a conversation skill. Since you get a bit more experience for taking the long way around, well assume that thats what you do. Inside lies Count Crowroost, a vampire. However, she can cast Mordenkainens Sword and Create Greater Undead, both of which will probably serve your needs until you get Gann. Since resting in Mask of the Betrayer will sap your spirit energy, youll probably want to use Gann to heal up your party members instead of healing every five minutes of gameplay. Gann doesnt come stocked with any kind of crafting abilities, but if you give him Craft Magic Arms and Armor, hell be able to do most of the same functions as Safiya. If you have good saves against immobilizing effects, then you should be able to act fairly autonomously, but if youre a fighter or another character with less than great spell saves, youre going to find yourself dazed or paralyzed for most of the fight. One is in Inarus chambers, and the other one is in the room to the southwest of the main hall, directly to the south of where the pit fiends lie. You have two options: attempt to destroy him, or claim to be his master and gain his services. Like Safiya, his neutrality makes it relatively easy to gain influence with him regardless of your own alignment. Take it, then place a single volatile Spirit Essence into the pool. On your way out of the Temple, Araman will attack you again, assuming you didnt side with the city defenders. I know I don't need it, I just want it. Kill all of the enemies outside the furnace to speak to the enemies within. You can use it as often as you like here, with no cooldown, but using it will prevent you from doing anything else for a turn, including attacking, but you will wind up doing a good deal of damage with each blast. You should be able to find two soul housings on this floor, each of which will contain the soul of a student. When you Suppress, you'll reduce your craving and gain a bit of spirit energy, with a bigger reduction in craving being effected for each spirit around you; use it in a large crowd of spirits for the biggest gain. Kill him and his men, then loot the bodies. NWN2 Cheats are console commands which can be used in the game to change some values or get some advantages. In order to head to Ashenwood, you need to speak to Vaszil, a boatman at the harbor. The death of the elemental will cause the Skein to begin to collapse. If you do, and loot the urn, a spirit will appear. Reminder: debugmode 1, giveitem [item code], debugmode 0. Take advantage of this and pelt him from a distance with a powerful spell before engaging him. I am open to enchanting already existing items, especially Sergei's falchion (forgot the name) and boots of sun soul. Youll gain the Shadow Mulsantir and Prodigal Daughter journal entries. You cant avoid a fight here, it would appear, but you shouldnt have too many problems defeating Okku. So I hope the ppl here can forgive me my question and still help me. Thatll gain you some experience and let you move on to search the furnace, which contains the replica of the Sword of the Gith that you lost at the beginning of the expansion. Youll need to explore a bit to find a way to reach the Coven from here. Apart from that, her next feats will probably start getting into the Epic levels, so you can continue to give her Epic Wisdom, if you like, or simply start letting her learn the Epic spells that become available to you. Also, i know there's a Holy Avenger in this game. Now that youve added Kaelyn and Gann to your party, its time to take down Okku, the bear god, who waits for you outside of town. Move up the passage here and head to the northeastern corern of the map, where youll find a barrow guardian. Casting Mordenkainen's Disjunction will let you drop most of the protections of these spellcasters. Barring that, you can try to Intimidate him to leave. Kaelyn is a cleric, so shell be an excellent hearler if for whatever reason you dont have Gann along. For the stalwart community interested in Neverwinter Nights (NWN), its sequel Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2), or Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (NWN:EE), Press J to jump to the feed. Your goal here is to find surviving members of the party, though. On the western side of the area, youll find Selkhit. When you do go through, youll have to fight Khai, a red wizard, along with another red wizard, a couple of erinyes, and whatever creatures the fools manage to summon. He cant do much to help you with your curse, but he will be able to strengthen Okku, should you wish him to do so. Youll be finding a pretty nice spear on the next level, so if you can use that kind of weapon, you may just want to wait for that; otherwise, you can enchant something right now, if you like. Begin speaking to her, but note that you now can see the exact influence shifts that your conversations will have on your followers. An archer has to use the weapon he finds. When you reach the steps heading down to the crematorium area (youll see a massive furnace in the distance), save your game and park your party at the top of the stairs, using your most powerful character to head down first. If you want to pick up the spear we were telling you about before, you can head to the northwest a bit. Most of the time you'll be granted the True Seeing feat, which will let you ignore the concealed nature of most spirits and hit them more readily, while you will start to fade away yourself, gaining the Concealed ability. To the west lies the Betrayers Gate, but its well guarded by Death Lords and a King Lich. If you find any souls during your travels, you can bring them to the cauldron-like device here, place them inside, then flip the switch to the side to get a text readout of the souls last memories. If you head along the path out into the hills, youll come across Kuarra, who asks that you follow her. For instance, if you want to enchant one of your weapons to deal extra ice damage, put it in the satchel alongside the Brilliant Water Essence and cast Ice Storm on it. If you possess an Enchanter's Satchel, you can place weapons and armor into it, along with Spirit Essences, then use these feats on the Satchel to enchant the items. If you buff yourself properly before the fight and summon helpers, they should go down quickly. If Gann is along, tell Gawatha that Kepob is an insult, and hell knock the price down to 20,000 gold. You wont be able to do much with her at the moment. Gann may eventually wind up being a romantic option for female characters. If you find his quarters (to the north of the stairs leading to the Headmistresss Tower), loot the bookcase within, then Bash it to reveal a hidden door. Although the game had its rough spots, many of them were polished after patching, allowing Obsidian to focus on loads of new content for the expansion pack, Mask of the Betrayer. Nefris is dead, but her tower here in the school may hold some clues as to what she was up to. The Sleeper is a woman who appears to be lost in dreams, standing nearby. Mummies will attack you here. If you lose both of the tomes, then Rammaq simply doesnt reward you with the item, promises no help at the final fight, and you get less XP. Head into Lienna's secret room to speak to the Keeper of Doors. The archers here hit pretty hard, so try to take them down with spells and your own ranged attacks before moving too far down. You may see a large room in the middle of the map here; explore it if you like. If you head here now, youre unlikely to be able to proceed very far in their ranks, as you have to pass three challenges before youre allowed to do so, and statistically you probably wont be able to pass two of them. Spirit energy will drop anytime your character isnt engaged in conversation. As the fight progresses, Akachi will shed parts of himself and create minions of himself. If you have Safiya in your party, try to have her cast Mind Blank on the party before heading inside. Basically nil. He should go down quickly against your epic might. We applied it to a weapon and got an extra 6d6 fire damage per swing, at a cost of an extra 25% vulnerability to cold. It was fun. Gann may need to be in your party to obtain this quest. Theres also a set of mirrors lying around; you can begin a quest with them on the northern side of the area, in a room near the stairs. If only Gann is capable of fighting here, however, then have him summon an elemental and Shapechange into something a bit more damaging to Gulkaush. Kepob will run away at this point. When youve dealt with the bulk of the petitioners, speak to Guard Turlok at the gates. If Okku is in your party and you attempt to devour the Wood Man, hell automatically turn on you and youll be forced to kill him. Devouring Spirits can be done with a new feat that youve obtained; you'll want to place it on your action bar so that it's convenient. That'll provide you with a mind affecting immunity bonus as well as all the other stuff. To the southwest, near the exit to the Burning Grove, you can find the entrance to the Predator Den. The conversation that ensues will be significantly lengthy; you can expect to spend a goodly amount of minutes in dialogue. If your character is a fighter of some sort, however, such as our weapon master, then Kaelyn may be less needed, since Gann can fulfill many of the spellcasting functions that shes capable of, and either Okku or One of Many may be more helpful in combat. When you defeat the creatures here, speak to the boy to learn that he is Araman as a young man. You likely cant, unless you have a high Diplomacy skill. Anyway, if you have Stoneskin or Premonition on your characters, then the Gnolls are really just a distraction. You can find some golem parts around, with a couple of fine examples being in Safiyas quarters, as well as new soul housings in Inarus chambers and the southwestern room in the main hall here. Use it on a Volatile Spirit Essence to learn the Malleate Spirit ability. It takes a couple rounds to reach its full effect, but actually heals for more damage than a full Heal spell (180 points vs. 150). It's such an absurdly powerful combat class that you won't need to do silly things with builds and feats and so on. When youre ready to move on, return to Mulsantir and sell the huge number of magical clubs you have at the merchants, and stock up on new ammo for Gann and Safiya, if necessary. Previously you had to distil essences from reagents, then combine those with gems and armour/a weapon on a special crafting table, then cast a specific spell to enchant the item, following a recipe in a book you might find as treasure. Would you mind posting the stats of your individual items? One way or another, this quest will end up with your obtaining the Jar of Condensed Orglash Essences, which is key to putting out the fire in the Burning Grove. Eventually youll reach the bheur herself, who seems to mean you no harm. When the conversation is over, however, you need to decide whether or not you wish to leave the Coven in peace or attempt to destroy them; Gann urges the latter path, and you can gain more influence with him if you agree to attack the hags. Thats located in the southwestern corner of the map, near the giant earth elemental there. Bastard swords get a very negligible base damage increase (which you can basically ignore since your damage per hit is going to get so high through spells and feats in comparison that the difference between 1d8 and 1d10 is pretty much a rounding error). Youll find the remains of a hunting party a bit to the south of the green tree here. Gann is immediately useful to you in combat if your character isnt a cleric or a druid. . If that drops to zero, then youll be dead, so youll need to periodically use your own Devour Spirit ability on him. Accept Araman as a helper, then speak to him and accept his quests. 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